Idomeneo | Luzerner Theater

August 2024

"Tania Lorenzo Castro creates a poignant Illia with a wonderfully full, agile and high-pitched soprano."

Jan Krobot, Online Merker, 27.09.2024

"The musical team is just as outstanding in its intense acting and singing [...] With Tania Lorenzo Castro (Ilia) and Solenn' Lavannat Linke (Idamante), the roles are ideally cast."

Herbert Bïtticker, Oper!

"Tania Lorenzo Castro delivers an Ilia with a warm, radiant soprano, embodying the new values musically as well." 

Jan Krobot, Onlinemerker, 15.09.2024 

"On stage a first-class ensemble of soloists, above all Tania Lorenzo Castro as princess Ilia, a prisoner of war, completely torn between her longing for her homeland and her affection for the enemy ruler."

                                                                                                  Christoph Brander, 26.08.2024   

"Tania Lorenzo Castro (Ilia) most touching "

     Christian Berzins, Luzerner Zeitung, 03.05.2024   

"Together with Tania Lorenzo Castro as the Trojan king's daughter Ilia, thrilled the audience the most. "

Marinella Polli, 26.08.2024        


Il Giustino | Luzerner Theater

Mai 2024

"Tania Lorenzo Castro had only three arias to sing, a little frustrating given her great vocal qualities. The artist combines the brilliance of divine high notes with the suppleness of a clear, limpid voice, which came into its own in a tear-jerking aria: 'Senza l'amato ben'. We regret that her famous aria 'Sventurata navicella' has been truncated.. "

Ruggero Meli, Barroque News, 05.05.2024

"[...] Almost never-ending da capo arias (when Tania Lorenzo Castro plays the longest of them)."

Süddeutsche Zeitung, 10.05.2024

"Tania Lorenzo Castro as Leocasta inspires with a youthful, fresh soprano and an enormously lively stage presence."

                                                                                                  Jan Krobot, onlinemerker, 03.05.2024   

"Leocasta radiantly beautiful sung by Tania Lorenzo Castro."

     Diana Sonia Tobler, Luzerner Zeitung, 03.05.2024           


La Bohème | Luzerner Theater

March 2024

"Tania Lorenzo Castro is also extraordinary as Musetta, also a role debut: with virtuosity but also with great expressivity, her voice is magnificent. Pretty, spirited and self-confident at the beginning, sensitive, devoted and generous when she understands that Mimi is dying. "

Marinella Polli, Innerschweizonline, März 2024

 Grandiose role debuts by the women

"Tania Lorenzo Castro was rather boyish as her counterpart Musetta. Very spirited, she stirred up the scenery with a strong stage presence. Bitchy and intent on wealth, she also shone vocally in this role debut with virtuoso ease and clear intonation. Her loving devotion to the dying Mimí was truly touching when she gave her an expensive fur to warm her hands."

                                                                                                  Sybille Ehrismann, Seniorweb, 10.03.2024   

Tania Lorenzo Castro as Musetta is simply stunning, always great to see this lively and so talented singer - ideal casting for this role.  

Acrimboldis world, 03.04.2024 

"With her soprano voice, Tania Lorenzo Castro turns Musetta into a life-lady who, unlike Mimi, does not accept her sexiness as a victim but uses it as a weapon."  

Urs Mattenberger, Luzerner Zeitung, 10.03.2024 


2 Symphony, Mahler | Festival Internacional Música de Canarias

January 2024

Victoriano Suárez, Canarias 7, 28.01.2024        

"Accomplices of this unforgettable evening were the voices of the French mezzo Adèle Charvet and the Gran Canarian soprano Tania Lorenzo, as well as the presence of the Kaunas State Choir, all of them outstanding in their performance."                                      

        Cayetano Sánchez, Ópera Actual, 31.01.2024        

"Two soloists, Tania Lorenzo and Adéle Charvet, who were very involved."

Digital foro Canarias, 15.02.2024 


Platée | Zürich Opernhaus

December 2023

" Tania Lorenzo Castro, portraying Amour, the god Cupid, sang with a high, silvery soprano."

Laura Servidei, Operawire, 14.10.2023

"What a great pleasure to see the wonderful Tania Lorenzo as Amour (last seen as Sophie in Lucerne's "Rosenkavalier"...!!!).

Acrimboldis World, 26.12.2023 

"Tania Lorenzo sang a self-confident Amour"

                                                                                                                                                          Kasper Sannemann, Oper Aktuell, 10.12.2023 

Hänsel und Gretel | Luzerner Theater

November 2023

"The Spanish soprano complements the duo with wonderful freshness and impressive reserves up to the highest registers. In addition, the petite Lorenzo has the habitus that has already earned her accolades in this role in LT's "Rosenkavalier" and "Revues des Folies": With her effervescence, her facial expressions, her acting, she leaves young roles truly "young". A rarity in such demanding roles."

Andréas Härry, Anzeiger Luzern, 14.11.2023

"Tania Lorenzo Castro's bright soprano voice is refreshing, and she always has a broad smile on her face. The way she sings and plays Gretel as a cheerful girl who loves to dance is simply captivating [...] How well the two ensemble members know each other by now is also shown by their informal, spontaneous acting as siblings."

                                                                                                                                                               Sybille Ehrismann, Seniorweb, 13.11.2023

"The joyfully bubbly Gretel (Tania Lorenzo Castro). They all fill the role with vigour and spirit."

Luzerner Zeitung, 12.11.2023 

Attacco | Luzerner Theater

October 2023

"Tania Lorenzo Castro can also be seen in "Bohème", playing and singing the spirited Musetta with her cheeky manner. [...] But Tania Lorenzo Castro also fits well in Humperdinck's fairytale opera "Hansel and Gretel". The way she bantered with her brother Hansel at the gala, sung by Solenn' Lavant Linke as the trouser role, was delicious."

Sybille Ehrimann, Seniorweb, 27.10.2023

Dido & Aeneas | Luzerner Theater

September 2023

"Tania Lorenzo Castro shines perky and agile in the role of the comforter Belinda."

                                                                                                                                                               Urs Mattenberger, Luzerner Zeitung, 10.09.2023

"Tania Lorenzo Castro gives Dido's confidante Belinda with a youthfully fresh, spacious soprano."

Jan Krobot, Onlinemerker, 12.09.2023

Concierto de Abono OFGC | Auditorio Alfredo Kraus

July 2023

"Tania Lorenzo Castro's two performances are worthy of note here, with impeccable voice placement, crystal-clear pronunciation and enviable intonation. Especially in the best-known aria from the second act of the Rapture, Martern aller Arten, where she faced the music and the bravery appropriate to the text."

                                                                                                                                                                 Roberto Díaz Ramos, La Provincia, 09.07. 2023

Docteur Ox | Luzerner Theater

Juni 2023

"Tania Lorenzo Castro as "Lotsche", the discovery in this season's LT ensemble, acts on the same level."

Andreas Härry, Anzeiger Luzern, 12.06.2023

"Tania Lorenzo Castro as Lotsche in an unbelievable liveliness of voice and movement."

                                                                                                                                                                                           SFR Regionaljournal, 11.06.2023 

"The opera ensemble is in top form and clearly enjoys the comedic post for once."

Christoph Brander, Kultur Blog, 11.06.2023

"With the Perky by Tania Lorenzo Castro."

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Luzerner Zeitung, 12.06.2023 


Theodora | International Bach Festival

April 2023

"The cast of international singers was very well chosen. The great canary Tania Lorenzo was in charge of the title role. A lyric-light soprano of pleasing color, homogeneous throughout her tessitura, even in the uncomfortable basses that Händel assigns her, she sang with cleanliness, expressiveness and deliberate phrasing. With restrained ornamentation, she was an exemplary Theodora."

Juan F. Román Rodríguez, Ritmo, 11.04.2023

"Tania Lorenzo Castro, very committed, enjoyed and made us enjoy. With the score practically from memory (something unusual in oratorios interpreted by singers with a thick professional agenda such as hers), the soprano from Gran Canaria dramatized the text and the music in this version, which had no staging, and her large and liquid voice in the mids and treble was well calibrated in technique and style, which showed great knowledge of the baroque style. The prominence of this role, which gives its name to the work, was at the height of its interpretation."

Rubén Mayor, Operaworld, 10.04.2023 

Interview | Victoriano Suárez, Canarias 7 

Alcina | Luzerner Theater

March 2023

"A special treat: Tania Lorenzo Castro in the role of Morgana. Circus-ready, she hangs from the hoop - head down, at the same time singing her lines with a clear voice."

Roman Kühne, Luzerner Zeitung, 20.03.2023 

"First class also Tania Lorenzo Castro, who convincingly portrayed the character of Alcina's sister Morgana with her voice and charm."

Marinella Polli, Innerschweiz online, 28.03.2023 

"As for the soloists, I was particularly impressed by Tania Lorenzo Castro's Morgana, who was touching, even moving, and so credible in her two heart-rending arias 'Credete al mio dolore' & 'Ama, sospira'. A natural ease that leads her to perform graceful and acrobatic figures perched in the void, inside a ring. Absolutely stunning. As a bonus, she gave us a firework display of vocals and variations of her own in the eagerly awaited 'Tornami a vagheggiar'. "

Ruggero, Barroque news, April 2023 

Der Rosenkavalier | Luzerner Theater

January 2023

"They are both adorable, the perky, radiantly singing Tania Lorenzo popping the bubble gum bubble in the face of her father, the nobleman of Faninal (Jason Cox)."

Peter Hagmann, Opernwelt, March 2023 

"Tania Lorenzo Castro gives Herr von Faninal's daughter Sophie with a clear, youthfully fresh soprano and stands out from the rest of the ensemble with this stage presence."

Jan Krobot, Online Merker, 27.01.2023 

"A special innovation for Tania Lorenzo Castro as Sophie. A wimpy devoted character in many "Rosenkavalier" productions, here in Lucerne she is positioned as a snotty twen with chewing gum, which the petite Spaniard nails vocally and in attitude."

"The vocal level is great throughout the band."

Andréas Härry, Anzeiger Luzern, 23.01.2023 

"Tania Lorenzo sings and plays this part stunningly: witty, cheeky, clear as a bell in her intonation, and yet also delicately strung."

Sibylle Ehrismann, Seniorweb, 22.01.2023 


"And the boys rehearse the uprising: the perky, lively Sophie of the blood-young Spanish Tania Lorenzo Castro strips off the silly rococo garb - and stands as today's blonde girlie in T-shirt, shorts and jumper boots."

"With the wonderfully homogeneous female trio of Eyrún Unnarsdótir, Solenn' Lavanant Linke and Tania Lorenzo Castro, however, she also has credible, stunningly youthful singer-actresses from her own ensemble at her disposal who would do credit to any state opera. A sensation, especially since all three. These three singers alone are worth every trip to Lucerne."

Friedemann Leipold, BR-Klassic, 21.01.2023

"Sophie was the petite but more rebellious Tania Lorenzo, endowed with a crystal clear silver voice that easily reached the heights in the presentation of roses."

John H. Müller, Der neue Merker, February 2023

"Vocally perfect Tania Lorenzo Castro, a self-confident, blood-young Sophie in shorts and Chelsea boots."

Marinella Polli, Innerschweiz Online, 07.02.2023 

"Tania Lorenzo Castro combines high-altitude glamour with the carefree peakedness of the self-confident teenager."

Urs Mattenberger, Luzerner Zeitung, 22.01.2023

"Tania Lorenzo Castro's Sophie was simply enchanting."

"With an ensemble that is also very happy to engage in acting with a lot of physical activity."

Reinman Wagner, Musik&Theater, besuchte Vorstellug: 26. January 2023

"In between there are a good 3 hours of pure musical pleasure and delicious director's theatre [...] The trio Sophie (Tania Lorenzo Castro), Octavian (Solenn' Lavanant Linke) and Marschallin (Tineke van Ingelgem) is grandiose, absolutely enchanting, acting and musically on the point, the final terzet and duet form a wonderful finale in this great production. Bravi - Bravi - Bravi!"

Arcimboldis World, 15.02.2024  

Magallanes. Réquiem in Memoriam | Sanlúcar de Barrameda

September 2022

"The Canarian soprano Tania Lorenzo had a very outstanding performance. I found her voice clear, sweet and with an excellent singing technique. She knew how to overcome a very complicated score, in my opinion, too much time in the treble, with forced sudden descents to the lower registers, without passing through the more cantabile intermediate zone. Very well."

Jesús Sánchez-Ferragut, Diario de Cádiz, 08.09.2022

Chasing Waterfalls | Semperoper Dresden

September 2022

"All strong voices which, however, only get room to unfold selectively."

Dresdner Neuste Nachrichten, 05.09.2022

"Self-created digital images of one's own personality, including playfully researching children (Tania Lorenzo)."

André Sperber,, 05.09.2022

Tannhäuser | Oper Leipzig

Juni 2022

"The young shepherdess (wonderfully Tania Lorenzo Castro)."

                                                                                                                            Michael Vieth, Bachtrack, 28.06.2022

Dido & Aeneas | Teatro Pérez Galdós

April 2022

"Soprano Tania Lorenzo's Belinda was incisive and dynamic, showing at all times some exciting singing resources, with a ductile singing line, a wide sound and a suggestive voice, possibly the best of the evening."

                                                                                                                        Agustín Arocha, Ópera Actual 19.04.2022

The rape of Lucretia | Luzerner Theater

March 2022

"Among the  soloists- appart from the four fabulously cast main roles- Tania Lorenzo's vocally and dramatically lively Lucia is partculary striking."

Jürgen Otten - Opernwelt 5/22

"Around Lucretia, her nurse Bianca (Marcela Rahal) and the servant Lucia (Tania Lorenzo) make a strong duo. Lorenzo is not only a lively servant in her acting. Her brightly radiant and very agile soprano also complements Rahal's darker voice perfectly - their duets get under the skin."

"Especially in the ensembles they convince with intimate cooperation and distinctive vocal profiles."

Seniorweb, March 2022 

"[...] an ensemble that is almost luxuriously cast, even in the supporting roles. This is especially true of the women's voices, which contribute the fullness of the euphony to Britten's sometimes unwieldy music (as servants: Tania Lorenzo and Marcela Rahal)."

Luzerner Zeitung, March 2022

"What is convincing throughout the production are the vocal soloists - as a collective. They all play and sing their roles in an impressive way, proving that they have grown together even more as an ensemble since the start of the new season in the fall. They manage to create an arc of tension throughout the evening; it never gets boring or arbitrary. Whether in the loud, brute passages or the quiet, delicate ones: it is a real pleasure to listen to the singers."

SRF Regionaljournal Zentralschweiz

"Helpless and compassionate Tania Lorenzo as the servant Lucia with a bell-bright soprano."

"All sing so clearly that there is often no need to look at the surtitles and one can fully engage with the intense stage action."

Adrian Thomas, ARCIMBOLDIS_WORLD, 13.3.2022

Il trionfo del tempo | Luzerner Theater

December 2021

Le nozze di Figaro | Luzerner Theater

October 2021

"Everything comes together in the soprano Tania Lorenzo: perky playfulness, vocal assertiveness and an emotional intensity whose silver sheen extends effortlessly even over the large, room-filling ensembles [...] The strength of this production in the joy of playing with which the new with which the new ensemble of singers presents itself - with acast".

Luzerner Zeitung, October 31, 2021

"The ensemble inspires with enormous joy of playing and stage presence as well as a consistently excellent understanding of the text [...] Tania Lorenzo is a Susanna as her creators might have imagined: resolute, hands-on and simply lovable". 

Online Merker, October 31, 2021

"Well, the young Lucerne ensemble succeeds in an action-packed, captivating performance of a high standard [...] Thus we have the ideal cast for the title role right before our eyes: [...] his chosen one, the maid Susanna, ravishingly sung and played by Tania Lorenzo, is a lively, spirited pretty who can also punch and hiss when she has to defend her rights".

Innerschweiz Online, October 31, 2021

"The soloists of the evening shone with precisely led voices and a clear role profile".

Philipp Zingg, Luzerner Zeitung, October 5, 2021

"The premiere succeeded in an impressive way".

Regionaljournal Zentralschweiz, October 31, 2021

Attacco | Luzerner Theater

September 2021

First of all, the women come up trumps. Tania Lorenzo's luminous, slender soprano. Shows her dramatic potential as Susanna also in Britten.

Luzerner Zeitung, September 27, 2021

Dido & Eneas, Purcell | Muziekgebouw Amsterdam

Mai 2021

The performance is mainly due to Dido's confidante Belinda, the splendidly clear Tania Lorenzo.

NRC, Mai 2, 2021

Musically, this production deserves a gold medal anyway. The singing and musicianship are of a high level. 

Theaterkrant, Mai 2, 2021 

Concierto Fundación DISA | Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria

December 2020

[...] the programme demanded from them the maximum display of technical and vocal virtuosity and expressiveness.

La Provincia, 21 de diciembre 2020 

L'elisir d'amore, Donizetti | Ópera Las Palmas

March 2020

There was a very young cast, almost all in their twenties, who vocally and staged their characters without problems, bringing a naturalness and freshness not always within the reach of more veteran singers. [...] The Canarian Tania Lorenzo was an impeccable Giannetta.

Ritmo, Juan Francisco Román Rodríguez, March 11, 2020

Tania Lorenzo, a young local voice, was equally successful in all aspects.

Ópera actual, Cayetano Sánchez, 6 de marzo de 2020

Réquiem, Fauré | Festival Internacional de Música de Canarias

January 2020

The "Requiem" of peace and resurrection

The beautiful voice and sensitivity of the Canarian soprano Tania Lorenzo shone through.

La Provincia, Guillermo García Alcalde, 21 de enero de 2020

The Requiem was enhanced by the successful participation of the soloists. Tania Lorenzo admirably resolved the Pie Jesu.

Diario Avisos, Zenaido Hernández, 21 de enero de 2020

Carmen, Bizet | Semperoper Dresden

Juni 2019 

1-0 for the girls

Even the two minor characters of Frasquita (Tania Lorenzo) and Mercedes (Stepanka Pucalkova) definitely stole the show from him. They have only short entrances, but they made the most of them. Both gave a very solid, very strong performance and contributed a great part to the success of the evening.

Operagazet, Gabi Eder, 9 Juni 2019

Die verkaufte Braut, Smetana | Semperoper Dresden

April 2019

Folk rhythms and changing times in German language version of Smetana's Bartered Bride

Duped by Marie and laughed at by everyone, he at least finds a possible future with the delightfully sparky Esmeralda of Tania Lorenzo.

Bachtrack, John Johnston, 27 abril 2019

Platée, Rameau | Semperoper Dresden 

April 2019

Hell ride of a transvestite

We were able to experience an enchanting cupid by the soprano of the Young Ensemble Tania Lorenzo.

IOCO, Thomas Thielemann, 10 April 2019

Tannhäuser, Wagner | Semperoper Dresden 

February 2019

Alongside the first-class Wagner singers previously mentioned, Tania Lorenzo, her soprano voice clear and bell-like, made a strong impression in the smaller role of young shepherd.

Opera Journal, Václav Bečvář, 18 Februar 2019

18. Liedersalon DRH Stiftung | Robert Schumann Haus Zwickau 

November 2018

A success

Spanish-born Tania Lorenzo (soprano) intoned very sensitively.

The works, which are not so common in the German-speaking world, were interpreted with great sensitivity. Especially with the Debussy song "Apparition" the two artists unfolded a real firework of sound colours.

The second part featured songs by the famous American Charles Ives. Tania Lorenzo also showed her mastery here with adventurously fast text passages.

The selected songs were a joy to the ear, both from the lyrics and the composition, especially since the two artists devoted themselves to the works with great emotionality.


DHR Stiftung, 12 November 2018

Carmen, Bizet | Semperoper Dresden 

Juni 2018

Dresden: Carmen

Tania Lorenzo as Frasquita and Grace Durham as Mercédès filled their roles with life, both vocally and with their natural play.

Online Merker, Ingrid Gerk, 28 Juni 2018

Das Rätsel der gestohlenen Stimmen, Wulff-Woesten | Semperoper Dresden 

Mai 2018

Voices must not be stolen

[...] But if you have an opera to be published with a ten-year-old girl as the main character, then it is an absolute stroke of luck to have a young ensemble with a singer-actress like the Spanish singer Tania Lorenzo at your disposal. She does indeed look girlish, but has such an enchanting soprano that this part seems to be written all over her body and throat. On top of that she can smile winningly. [...] 

NMZ online, Michael Ernst, 15 Mai 2018

Charming adventure

An extremely entertaining production, not only of the heroine given by Tania Lorenzo in a lively manner.

Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, Wieland Schwanebeck, 15 Mai 2018

Stabat Mater, Pergolesi | Auditorio Alfredo Kraus

March 2018

Praise and Deploration of Christ

The soprano Tania Lorenzo in an exhausting tour de force but faced with courage, intensity and canonic means.

La Provincia, Guillermo García Alcalde, 31 de Marzo de 2018 

Magnificat, Bach | Auditorio Alfredo Kraus

March 2018

Praise and Deploration of Christ

The presentation of the soprano Tania Lorenzo is impeccable in volume, vocal quality and expressive style.


La Provincia, Guillermo García Alcalde, 31 de Marzo de 2018 

Otoño Musical Soriano Otoño Musical Soriano | Aula Magna Tirso de Molina  

September 2016

Tania Lorenzo's voice conquers the audience

Lorenzo, who made a classroom vibrate by registering a large entrance. The imposing voice of Tania Lorenzo was accompanied by the Canarian pianist Nauzet Mederos. 

Desde Soria, 14 de septiembre de 2016

Recital by Tania Lorenzo

The Canarian soprano gave a magnificent recital. Even in her youth she showed why she was a winner of the First Prize.

Her vocal projection, together with her timbre and her ability to change register, as well as her power and ease in the high register, served to dazzle the audience that attended this new concert.

In the first part, made up of works by Claude Debussy, Reynaldo Hahn, Robert Schumann and Richard Strauss, her qualities as a lyrical soprano stood out, in contrast to the beginning of the second part, with the first two arias, by Gaetano Donizetti the first, as well as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, pieces with a virtuosity almost typical of a light soprano. 

In addition to her musical qualities, Tania Lorenzo stood out for her interpretative capacity, which allowed her to adapt to the repertoire with total versatility. 


Desde Soria, Soledad Atienza, 24 de septiembre de 2016